Month: May 2016

One possible future for Apple Watch

Apple / Apple Watch / iOS

Everybody’s talking about the Apple Watch around the anniversary of its first release. Most of the chatter is about how [disappointing and how slow it is](, with some countering with [how useful it is despite this]( I am in agreement with most of these viewpoints, but people who don’t think this is going to change radically in the next year or two are crazy. You only have to look at the utility gulf between a first-generation iPhone and the iPhone 4 to see this.

Suggested iPhone Lock Screen improvement


Since the improvements to Touch ID you see many people complaining that they press the Home button to see the lock screen to catch some missed push notification or check the time, and it instead unlocks the phone. The new Apple TV remote has a nice feature where the Apple TV itself dims the display when inactive, and “wakes” up brighter when you lift the remote. Obviously this is using the accelerometers in the remote. […]