Colouring the arrow of a Popover in SwiftUI
Popovers in SwiftUI don't provide a way to change the colour of their arrow, and if you do not use a NavigationView but set a custom background colour, you will be sad that the arrow looks terrible.
Popovers in SwiftUI don't provide a way to change the colour of their arrow, and if you do not use a NavigationView but set a custom background colour, you will be sad that the arrow looks terrible.
The initialisers of Views in SwiftUI have some surprising and obscure behaviours related to state. If you've used SwiftUI at all you will likely have discovered this. In addition, the rules around how properties that are wrapped with Property Wrappers are accessed are interesting when inside the initialiser of the type. It is this latter issue that bit me.
This year I experienced my first [iOSDevUK conference]( — a conference that takes place by the sea in Aberystwyth in Wales. I really enjoyed myself and the team who put the conference on do a great job. As someone with tricky food needs I particularly appreciated the attention they paid to this!
I’ll be honest, at first I felt there were not many exciting things at this WWDC. Personally I am very happy to see the new notifications improvements and Siri shortcuts, and I can verify after running iOS 12 beta on an iPhone 6 that the performance improvements are very real. However, on deeper investigation in terms of Flint framework there were some definite points of interest that affect us and some new things we can do […]