All posts filed under: Development

iOS development is exciting

Development / iOS / Musings

The pace of change, the reliable yearly cycles, they are hard to keep up with. However I just can’t deny that iOS dev is also consistently exciting. You know there’s cool new stuff coming all the time and a world of interesting possibilities that can affect a huge number of people in the world.

Going deep with Accessibility in Soundproof

Development / iOS

When we first released Soundproof we had to make the difficult decision to delay polishing our VoiceOver experience for accessibility users. We had done some work on this already, but due to the nature of our custom UI elements such as the time scrubber and Count-In screen, the work was too much to complete first time around. In hindsight, I really would like to have done this for the first release. It seems to be […]

Logging in Swift without overhead in production

Development / iOS

I recently wanted to start covering start writing all my new app code in Swift, but hit a big problem: I use CocoaLumberjack everywhere and its not ready for Swift yet. They are working on this right now for a 2.0 release. I checked around github and it seems some good work is being done on this. However the missing piece was very important: because Swift lacks conditional defines and a macro preprocessor, all arguments […]