All posts filed under: Development

Trying out indie dev on my pygmy pony

Apple / Business / Development / iOS

There’s a lot said about the troubles of being an indie iOS developer, with a recurrence doing the rounds at the moment. It’s fair to say that many consider it an ill-advised move, at least the ones who have not tried it or have tried and failed to make enough money. I remain convinced that to some degree the indies out there who have found profitable niches are not too eager to share this information, […]

Is “Unlock Everything” a mistake?

Business / Development / iOS

iOS developers are well aware of the shift in price models away from charging up front, to free with In-App Purchase. I have been pretty resistant to this change, especially in the light of the forthcoming ability to host preview videos on the App Store. The rationale is that getting people to buy your app without evaluating it is a massive hurdle, and a video preview could help with that. Now I find myself having […]

Proposal: How to bring upgrade pricing to your iOS and Mac apps

Apple / Development / iOS

I was listening to Iterate 67 recently and there was discussion about Readdle‘s apps and how they work together. I was thinking about how they achieve this above and beyond some canOpenURL: smarts, and I presume they are using a shared bundle ID or similar to allow the apps integrate with each other at a deeper level. Somewhat tangentially this got me thinking about a possibility of solving the “there’s no upgrade pricing in the […]