All posts filed under: iOS

Cool new things the WWDC 2018 Keynote could bring to the Flint framework

Apple / Development / iOS

I’ll be honest, at first I felt there were not many exciting things at this WWDC. Personally I am very happy to see the new notifications improvements and Siri shortcuts, and I can verify after running iOS 12 beta on an iPhone 6 that the performance improvements are very real. However, on deeper investigation in terms of Flint framework there were some definite points of interest that affect us and some new things we can do […]

Hacking my shell prompt so I make fewer mistakes working with Xcode projects

Development / iOS

Making mistakes is how we learn. But not all mistakes are equal, and making the same one over and over is not learning. Often I run two or more different Xcode builds on the same machine, either because a client project can’t yet build on the latest Xcode release, or because we’re in a new Xcode beta period. Of course I forget which one I am running, especially if switching between projects multiple times in […]