Month: October 2014

Logging in Swift without overhead in production

Development / iOS

I recently wanted to start covering start writing all my new app code in Swift, but hit a big problem: I use CocoaLumberjack everywhere and its not ready for Swift yet. They are working on this right now for a 2.0 release. I checked around github and it seems some good work is being done on this. However the missing piece was very important: because Swift lacks conditional defines and a macro preprocessor, all arguments […]

The Making of Soundproof, part 3: Unlocking features with In-App Purchases

Development / iOS / User Experience

During the process of making Soundproof, we had to consider what the business model would be. I wrote [some early thoughts about pricing]( and talked about some [issues with implementing upgrade pricing with In-App Purchases]( previously. Here, we’ll take a brief look at the experience of implementing In-App Purchases and the user experience.

The Making of Soundproof, part 1: iPhone 6 made our huge play button look tiny

Development / iOS / User Experience

Some background: the first release of our [music practice Soundproof]( was “Waiting for Review” in the last week of September when my iPhone 6 arrived. I ran the app on the iPhone 6 and of course got the stretched up iPhone 5 UI. It was OK, but a bit “Duplo” shall we say. Also our very subtle background gradient was being stretched. Nobody else would notice but… there is pride to consider.